Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Personal Reflection and Learning Practices Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Things I have learned that shall help me become a better MRS practitioner 2.Things learned about by learning methods 3.New Strategies that shall help me learn more effectively Answers: Introduction The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency lays out the requirements for active and efficient practitioners which covers the meeting of the expectations of the course of the career of an MRS practitioner. Mr. Hicks, the board chair, explains reasons why regulation is essential to ensure adherence to the requirements of the profession and the law(AHPRA, 2015). It is for that reason that I use this essay to do a personal analysis of my methods of study and efforts applied in improving my career credibility standing. 1.I have learned essential communication skills such as being precise, concise, and specific in my references. I have also learned active listening, multiculturalism, the proper use of body language, and patience during communication. The right communication skills are essential among MRS practitioners because of the need for accuracy in the identification of the concerns and comfort of their patients during practice and inter-professional collaboration (King Hoppe, 2013; Brown, Ham-Baloyi, Rooyen, Aldous, Marais, 2016). The current trend of patient-centred healthcare is one of the best-adopted practices in the healthcare settings because of the personalized care that comes as a result. The proper communication of the progress of the patient and the risks that face their health is essential, thus, the need for concise and precise written and verbal communication. It also applies to the discussion of the options of healthcare available for the patient with the patient, and bridge the gap between the sophisticated technology they use and the patient(ODaniel Rosenstein., 2008). The importance of multiculturalism cuts across communication skills where the diversity of patients in various areas in the country calls for a better understanding and accommodation of different cultures. That gets the patients to cooperate and trust in the healthcare. The feeding habits and physical activity practices of some cultures may be detrimental to their health and it is important to know how to approach the subject without sounding offensive(Antwi, Kyei, Quarcoopome, 2014). Such considerations make adherence to the medical instructions more likely by the patient(Brown, Ham-Baloyi, Rooyen, Aldous, Marais, 2016). 2.I discovered through research that my reading habits are more of rote where I mostly focus on the internalization of terms and knowledge with little hands on experience. I am a loner and often find myself alone in quiet places where I can concentrate and simply study from books. However, the more a person focuses on rote methods, the less social they are and the fewer their social interactions during their learning process. I also realized the need for increased interactions for the deeper understanding and application of the facts learned through rote. 3.According to my findings from internet research, rote learning is inevitable if one is to internalize the actual terms for various conditions and the various equipment used in the radiation therapy and medical imaging procedures(Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, 2017). It is essential to have the correct terms of reference for proper communication and references in the healthcare facilities. In order to have a clearer and more real representation of the situations discussed or read during studies, visuals and hands-on learning are a part of my greatest recent adaptation. I have learned that rote works in the learning of facts and remembrance of terms. It, however, deprives me of the team experience which is the actual situation in the work environment. My social skills tend to deteriorate and I occasionally lose my usually profound creativity. MRS practitioners use various machines in their line of work such as the operation of radiation machines and other technologically advanced equipment. The evolving technologies also call for continuous self-improvement which is essential for updated knowledge about the most recent trends. Hands-on strategies and visual learning are some of the recommendations from my professors because of the advancement of the human anatomy and the need for actual ability to interpret what I learn to the work environment and my previous learning strengths as explained by my parents. Continuous improvement provides one with a greater understanding of the human anatomy and related changes(Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists, 2017). Conclusion Personal reflection is essential for the adoption of the best learning practices for the best learning outcomes and preparation for the actual working environment as proven by the adoption of certain strategies and their potential impact to my practice References AHPRA. (2015, 12 15). Board resources explain medical radiation practitioner obligations in the National Scheme. Retrieved from AHPRA: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2015-12-15-practitioner-obligations.aspx Antwi, W. K., Kyei, K. A., Quarcoopome, L. N. (2014). Effectiveness of Multicultural Communication between Radiographers and Patients and Its Impact on Outcome of Examinations. World Journal of Medical Research Volume No 6, 1-30. Retrieved from https://www.npplweb.com/wjmr/fulltext/3/4 Brown, O., Ham-Baloyi, W. t., Rooyen, D. R., Aldous, C., Marais, L. C. (2016). Culturally competent patientprovider communication in the management of cancer: An integrative literature review. Global Health Action, 3402-33208. Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists. (2017). Description of Practice. Retrieved from Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists ACTRM: https://www.camrt.ca/mrt-profession/description-of-practice-2/ King, A., Hoppe, R. B. (2013). Best Practice for Patient-Centered Communication: A Narrative Review. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 385393. ODaniel, M., Rosenstein., A. H. (2008). Professional Communication and Team Collaboration. In H. RG, Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (p. Chapter 33). New York: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US).

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