Thursday, May 14, 2020

For Many People (Both Male And Female), The Whole Idea

For many people (both male and female), the whole idea of menstruation is icky, yet this is a subject that female clients (who are of reproductive age) should be asked about, whether they are in a committed sexual relationship or not. Why? When girls get close to puberty, the endocrine system activates hormones that begin to make changes in the body. Hormones, on the most basic level, stimulate growth and the development of the reproductive system in both male and females. In females, breasts develop, hair grows under the arms and pubic area and menstruation begins (King Regan, 2014). Once ovulation and menstruation starts the female can become pregnant. Inquiring about one’s menstrual cycle can help to the counselor and client†¦show more content†¦In the event a woman has started her menstrual cycle and has had sexual intercourse, some of these questions may be warranted if her period has suddenly ceased. Consequently, unusual physical, emotional or other sudden cha nges may also be important to note. It is also a good teaching opportunity for those who may not be as knowledgeable about sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy, birth control, female anatomy and physiology or other issues they may want to discuss. Should the subject be raised with male clients who are in a sexual relationship? Why or why not? This question does not have an exact yes or no answer in my opinion. If a male client comes to a counselor and wishes to discuss their sexual relationship then I would say yes. Once again, as most of us noted in the sexuality quiz, we do not automatically or naturally have all the knowledge surrounding the multitude of topics about human sexuality. I feel we should make our clients as relaxed as possible discussing these subjects and be willing to listen and discuss with empathy. Males may not know or understand premenstrual syndrome or its symptoms. Consequently, it may help them to comprehend the implications that affect both he and his partner. If any of these issues are not relevant or the male does not seem open to discussing them, then I do not feel the subject should be raised. If the female is also a client, the counselor can not breach confidentiality to discuss her issues with her partner. DoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breaking Down the Barriers to Feminist Art Work1630 Words   |  7 PagesThere are few if any women artists included in the study of art history. If you dig deep into the books you can find mention of many unknown, unrecognized and often times very talented women artists from the past. Women in history are simply not recognized, and this is due to a large extent to their exclusion from the art world. My paper chooses to focus on a few female artists of the sixties and seventies who sought to make up for past history and ensure women were known. 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